Non-Profit Organization
Pathfinder MissionsPathfinder Missions is a Royal Ranger missions construction program that utilizes the many skills of Rangers to support the work of missionaries in the USA or in remote parts of the world. Pathfinder Missions teams often work in places where other mission teams are unable or unwilling to go.
Building God’s Kingdom
The hard way

About Us
Founded in 1993, Pathfinder Missions exists to construct churches, Ranger camps, Christian schools, clinics, orphanages, missionary dwellings, or any facility a missionary may need to build God’s Kingdom at home in the USA or in the most remote areas of the world.
Teams need a variety of construction talents such as carpentry, masonry, framework, post and beam work, and native material construction. Accepting the challenge of a Royal Rangers Pathfinder Missions trip may also require you to use your campcraft, woodsmanship, backpacking, and…
We are in the news!!
Read the article featured in the AG News all about us and what we do.

Join Us
You Can Help
Participating in a Pathfinder Missions trip will not be a vacation but will be one of the greatest experiences of your life. We would like to challenge you to give of yourself in a way that you have never given before.
Did you ever think that your working skills could be used as a ministry? Pathfinders are growing the Kingdom of God by using their skills and labors all around the world. As you move around in this web site, we hope you will be challenged to see where you fit in.
Pathfinder teams, using the Frontier Camping Fellowship as their backbone, are making a difference.
Yours truly,
Ron Harrison, National Pathfinder Coordinator

Even if you are not able to actually join us with a Pathfinder Missions trip, you can help with your donations. You can be a sponsor for various projects. These projects can be in memory of or in honor of special individuals.
Prospective Pathfinder Missions Projects/Trips
Are you interested in going on a mission trip?
Opportunities abound for you to be involved in Pathfinder Missions projects/trips all over the world, whether it be with prayer, finances, or going. As schedules are finalized and project money is raised, applications to join specific trips are posted. Here is a brief listing of prospective projects/trips where you can submit an inquiry form to indicate which are of special interest to you. We’ll contact you with more details. We try to keep this list current. Check it regularly. If you want to add another trip to the list, please let us know.
Contact for more information.
What Drives Us
“Pathfinder Missions exists to build God’s Kingdom at home in the USA or in the most REMOTE AREAS of the world.”
Pathfinder missions
Upcoming Trips
Below is the link to see all of the upcoming Pathfinder Mission trips. Each trip gives an opportunity for churches and individuals to help build a church for a local community.

Contact Us
Main Contact
Submit general questions about Pathfinder Missions to Ron Harrison, National Pathfinder Missions Coordinator. Ron has been involved with this missions organization since 1999.
Ron Harrison
National Pathfinder Missions Coordinator
Pathfinder Questions?

Our Contact Info
309 West Main St., Suite A
Lebanon, TN 37087
(615) 207-7004